Eracons – Engineering Reliability

Eracons is a consulting company working in the fields of probabilistic modeling, risk analysis, reliability analysis and data analysis. The company was founded in 2013 by Prof. Daniel Straub and Dr. Iason Papaioannou as a spin-off from Technische Universität München.
Daniel Straub
Prof. Dr. Daniel Straub
Senior Consultant & Founder

Daniel has 15+ years of industrial experience in the field of reliability analysis, risk assessment and data analytics applied to engineering systems. He is co-managing director of Eracons and Professor for Engineering Risk Analysis at TU München.
Iason Papaioannou
Dr. Iason Papaioannou
Senior Consultant & Founder

Iason studied civil engineering and computational mechanics and received his PhD from TU München in 2012. His areas of expertise include advanced numerical modeling, uncertainty quantification and reliability assessment of engineering systems. He is currently co-managing director of Eracons and senior researcher/lecturer at TU München.
Wolfgang Betz
Dr. Wolfgang Betz
Senior Risk & Reliability Engineer

Wolfgang studied civil engineering and computational mechanics and received his Ph.D. from TU München in 2018. At Eracons, he develops the software products RELY and Strurel, as well as specialized probabilistic software tools for our clients. His areas of expertise are Bayesian inference, reliability assessment and probabilistic modeling.
+49 (0)89 21709083